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Dominant Weeds Diversity in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Crop in Garut Regency West Java Province, Indonesia
Yayan Sumekar, Denny Kurniadie, Uum Umiyati, Dedi Widayat, Syariful Mubarok
Universitas Padjadjaran, Journal of Biological Sciences 2018, eISSN: 1812-5719, pISSN: 1727-3048, DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2018., https://docsdrive.com/pdfs/ansinet/jbs/0000/90148-90148.pdf
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Journal of Biological Sciences 2018, eISSN: 1812-5719, pISSN: 1727-3048, DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2018., https://docsdrive.com/pdfs/ansinet/jbs/0000/90148-90148.pdf
Dominant weeds species, highland potato cultivation, potato crop, potato cultivation, productivity, quadratic method, weed mapping
Background and Objective: The existence of weeds on potato crops could decrease the productivity of the crops, so that weed control efforts were absolutely necessary. The diversity of dominant weed types needed to be known so that weed control could be done correctly. This study aimed to make dominant weed mapping on potato cultivation in Garut regency. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted using the quadratic method. Two locations of potato plant areas as samples scattered at different altitude or topographic conditions were randomly selected in each sub-district. At each location the sample was weighed diagonally (5 times) for each plot of potato cropping using the iron squares of size 0.5×0.5 m. Field data was used to determine weed species, weed density, weed frequency, weed domination, importance value, summed dominance ratio, weed dry weight and species diversity index. Results: The results showed that the dominant weed species in Cisurupan, Pasirwangi, Cikajang and Cigedug Sub-districts were Galinosoga parviflora (29.66%), Amaranthus spinosus (34.62%), Drymaria vilosa (22.72%) and Cyperus rotundus (21,26%), respectively. The value of diversity index of potato crop acquired in Garut regency ranged from 1.46-2.26 including low-moderate. Conclusion: This study concluded that weeds in highland potato cultivation in Garut regency were dominated by broad-leaved weeds.