The Role Of Motivational Beliefs In Students’Emotional Experiences In Educational Setting
Surya Cahyadi
The Padjadjaran International Conference On Psychology 2011 Proceeding Volume 2, Book 2, ISBN : 978-602-19851-2-0 Faculty Of Psychology Padjadjaran University
Bahasa Inggris
The Padjadjaran International Conference On Psychology 2011 Proceeding Volume 2, Book 2, ISBN : 978-602-19851-2-0 Faculty Of Psychology Padjadjaran University
Emotion, goalorientation, self-efficacy, task value.
Emotional experiences are crilically important for students’ motivation, learning, performance, identity development, and health (Schutz & Pekrun,2007). Thus it is necessary to investigate the origins of students’ emotion and factors that are related to it. This present research invest igates the effect of student motivational beliefs (task value,self-efficacy,andmastery and performance goal orientation) on seven discrete emotions (anger, anxiety, boredom, hopelessness, shame,enjoyment,and pride). A sample of highschool studentsin Math classes (N-238 ; 83 male an d 155 female ; age 15-8; grade 10 and 11) were involved in this study. Quesl onnaires were administered to gather the data. Correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data collected. in this study, correlation analysis shows that self-efficacy, task value, and goal orientations are positively correlated with positive emotions and negatively correlated with negative emotions. In multiple regression analysis,self-eff cacy and task value were shown to predict emotions and goal orientations are failed to predict emotions.Mastery and performance goals were shown to predict self-efficacy and task value bur fai led to predict emotions. This study shown that masrery and performance goals influence students’ self-efficacy and task value,and !hose motivational beliefs influence students’ emotion with self-efficacy and task value,as the role of mediators of the relation between goal orientat ions and emotions. This study discovers that motivational beliefs are important factors to predict sludents’ emotional experiences. Goal orientations (maslery and performance goals) have distal effect to emolions lhrough some psychological processes,such asself-efficacyandtask valueas mediators. According to the findings,students’ motivat ional beliefs are important 10 be consideredin predicting students’ emotional experiences,which eventually will lead lo lhe students’ well being.