Green Purchase Behavior: The Role of Religiosity, Environmental Attitude, and Environmental Knowledge
Julina, Dwi Kartini, Popy Rufaidah, Martha Fani Cahyandito
Universitas Padjadjaran, Journal of Management and Marketing Review (JMMR) Vol.2(3) Jul-Sep 2017, ISSN 0128-2603
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Journal of Management and Marketing Review (JMMR) Vol.2(3) Jul-Sep 2017, ISSN 0128-2603
Environmental Attitude, environmental knowledge, Green Purchase Behavior, religiosity
Objective – This study attempts to determine the effect of religiosity, environmental attitudes, and environmental knowledge towards green purchase behavior. Methodology/Technique – Data were collected by distributing questionnaire to 14 shopping centers in Pekanbaru City during April – September 2016. Pekanbaru city is one of the provincial capital in Indonesia which experienced many environmental problems. A total of 421 eligible respondents participated in this study. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings – The results found that the effect of religiosity, environmental knowledge, and attitude toward green purchase behavior are significant. These three variables explain the green purchase behavior at 67.6%. Besides it also found that religiosity and environmental knowledge have the positive and meaningful impact on environmental attitudes. Therefore, it can be concluded that these two variables affect the green purchase behavior through environmental attitudes. Novelty – The model built in this study tried to integrate the spiritual aspect that has not been touched by previous researchers. The results of this study open up opportunities for further research to further improve both aspects of modeling in combination with other variables as well as the use of statistical analysis