Analysis Of Sharia Business Marketing At PT. Al Fatih Bangun Indonesia In Bogor
Erlina Ardiani, Arianis Chan
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings 4th Gadjah Mada International Conference On Economics And Business 2016 Research, Production, And Business Model Tri Lemma In The Asean Economic Community" Volume 4 No. 1 2016, ISSN 2548-7965, https://gamaiceb.feb.ugm.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/The-4th-GAMAICEB-Proceeding-2016-FINAL-08032017.compressed.pdf
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings 4th Gadjah Mada International Conference On Economics And Business 2016 Research, Production, And Business Model Tri Lemma In The Asean Economic Community" Volume 4 No. 1 2016, ISSN 2548-7965, https://gamaiceb.feb.ugm.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/The-4th-GAMAICEB-Proceeding-2016-FINAL-08032017.compressed.pdf
Sharia Marketing, Sharia Property Business
The background of this study is the researcher had discovered a phenomenon that there is a developer who uses 100% sharia housing schemes, without banks, without penalties, without confiscation and without ceremony, had problems in marketing their products. The purpose of this study is to determine how the application of sharia marketing concepts in sharia business property developer. This study uses qualitative descriptive method which is a research that is directed to provide the symptoms, facts or events systematically and accurately on the nature of the study and analyze the truth based on the data obtained. Data was collected using interview and observation techniques. Discussion is analyzed through the results of the interviews using interpretation. Informants in this study amounted to 7 people. The sampling technique in this research is done by purposive sampling, using 4 informants as key informants, namely the management of PT. Al Fatih Bangun Indonesia and 3 regular consumers of products from PT. Al Fatih Bangun Indonesia. The analysis showed that the application of sharia marketing concepts at PT. Al Fatih Bangun Indonesia has been good but has not been effective overall because PT. Al Fatih Build Indonesia haveyet to implement a long-term relationship with the post-purchase consumer products. Also from the marketing side, PT. Al Fatih Bangun Indonesia prefers offline promotion such as an exhibition rather than online promotion, because it is considered more effective. PT. Al Fatih Bangun Indonesia uses a specific strategy in managing its sharia property business, named sky strategy and earth strategy. Both of these strategies are collaborated to get the best results and maximize sales.