Perbedaan Asupan Energi, Zat Gizi, Dan Indeks Massa Tubuh Antara Sebelum Dengan Selama Puasa Ramadan Pada Anggota Militer
Endah Citra Perwiranti, Setiawan, Ronny Lesmana, Gaga Irawan Nugraha
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Ilmu Faal Olahraga Vol. 1, No. 2, Februari 2017 – Juli 2017
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Ilmu Faal Olahraga Vol. 1, No. 2, Februari 2017 – Juli 2017
body mass index, nutrient intake, Ramadan fasting
The influence of Ramadan fasting on nutrient intake and body mass index has been extensively studied. However, the effects of Ramadan fasting on nutrient and body mass index in military personnel has not been documented, although they are expected to be fit even during Ramadan fasting. This analytical, comparative study was performed in 31 Moslem male military personnel subjects aged 19-33 years. The nutrient intake and body mass index were measured 2 days before and every week of Ramadan. To analyze the difference of normal data distributions using ANOVA Repeated Measurement and paired t-test, if the data were not normal distribution then analyzed using Friedman and Wilcoxon test. The analyzed data show decreased energy intake on the first week (27,9%), second week (12,0%), third week (11,1%), and fourth week (16,9%) during Ramadan fasting (p<0,001). Data also show decreased body mass index (BMI) on the first week (1,9%), second week (2,6%), third week (3,1%) and fourth week (3,4%) during Ramadan fasting (p<0,001). The conclusion of this study revealed that Ramadan fasting caused significant changes in nutrient intake, physical activity, body composition and physical fitness in military personnel.