Decreasing of Paddy, Corn and Soybean Production Due to Climate Change in Indonesia
Ruminta, Handoko, Tati Nurmala
Universitas Padjadjaran, Journal of Agronomy Volume 17, Number 1, 2018, eISSN: 2077-2041, pISSN: 1994-7879, DOI: 10.3923/ja.2018., https://docsdrive.com/pdfs/ansinet/ja/2018/37-47.pdf
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Journal of Agronomy Volume 17, Number 1, 2018, eISSN: 2077-2041, pISSN: 1994-7879, DOI: 10.3923/ja.2018., https://docsdrive.com/pdfs/ansinet/ja/2018/37-47.pdf
climate change, production, rainfall change, staple food crops, temperature increase
Background and Objective: Climate change influence crops through its effects on the growing, development and yield. Research on climate change risk in staple food crops has been implemented in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The objective of this study was to assess level of climate change risk in staple food crops production (paddy, corn and soybean). Materials and Methods: This study used data of temperature, rainfall, sea level rise, hythergraph, irrigation, production of staple food crops and farmer’s socio-economic. Methods of this study were descriptive explanatory that using risks-vulnerability conceptual framework and risks were a function hazard and vulnerability. Results: The results of this study indicate that staple food crops were vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, indicated by hazards such as decreasing production of paddy, corn and soybean due to air temperature increase and rainfall change. Some areas of South Sumatra experienced the high risk of decreasing production of staple food crops. Generally, South Sumatera had decreasing wetland of paddy, upland paddy, corn and soybean production, respectively with an average 9.44, 22.00, 10.7 and 10.10% per year. Conclusion: South Sumatera Indonesia experienced the high risk of decreasing production of staple food crops due to climate change and had potency to disrupt food security in Indonesia.