E- Health Program And Data Privacy Protection In Indonesia
Dr. Sinta Dewi Rosadi,Prof. Efa Laila Fakhriah
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Journal of Law and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies Volume 2 Issue 1 2018, ISBN: 978-1-911185-44-4 (Online) ISSN: 2397-6942 (Online), www.flepublications.com
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Journal of Law and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies Volume 2 Issue 1 2018, ISBN: 978-1-911185-44-4 (Online) ISSN: 2397-6942 (Online), www.flepublications.com
Data Privacy Protection, E- Health Program
Utilisation of ICT for health (e-health) has become a global issue. It is one of WHO’s recommendations and is part of the Action Plan for ITU (the International Telecommunications Union) to connect health centres and hospitals to eefectively use information and communication technology. E-health is an ICT-based application related to the health care industry and aims to improve access to and the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of medical process. Besides the organisation of medical services in hospitals, clinics, health centres, in which medical practitioners, doctors and therapists, laboratories and pharmacies are involved, insurers also involve the patient in medical processes as a consumer. Indonesia is in the early stages of implementing an e-health program, which is due to provide better health services to the community because of the increase in the number of internet users. However, this e-health program may also cause problems regarding how far health providers in Indonesia can protect the privacy of patients’ personal data, which can be accessed, managed and disseminated by ICT. Health data is classified as very sensitive data that requires increased legal protection so as not to be misused for commercial purposes.