Water Quality From Drinking Water Source Of Slum Dwellers In Developing Country: Case Of Urban Slum Area In Cikapundung River Basin, Bandung, Indonesia
Ardini Raksanagara , Sri Yusnita Irda Sari, Deni K Sunjaya
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding The 3rd International Seminar On Environmental Health "Environmental Health Innovation Inregional And Global Perspectives" Surabaya November 5-6 th, 2015, Published : Faculty Of Public Health Airlangga University, ISBN 978-602-19420-1-7,
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding The 3rd International Seminar On Environmental Health "Environmental Health Innovation Inregional And Global Perspectives" Surabaya November 5-6 th, 2015, Published : Faculty Of Public Health Airlangga University, ISBN 978-602-19420-1-7,
water quality
Water is one of the most fundamental needs for human being and one of the consequences of rapid urbanization is the increasing demand on water. Slum area in Bandung, particularly near the Cikapundung river basin (Tamansari) is reported as one of area with high number of water borne disease particularly diarrhea. Sanitation data from Tamansari area reported that most of latrines are without septic tank and people used to dispose their human excreta waste directly to the sewerage which run to Cikapundung river basin. Consequently, this condition will cause contamination to the water sources in that area. This research will provide information that assist local authority and community to prevent waterborne diseases by identifying what kind of waterborne pathogens as well as physical and chemical parameters presence in the water sources and drinking water. The study will be conducted in 2 years, the first year will provide useful information regarding current conditions, deriving the likely public health burden related to inadequate water supply and providing an understanding of the extent of major water quality challenges. These data would, therefore, inform decisions on future investment priorities and needs particularly in urban slum area to develop appropriate intervention to increase water quality and prevention of contamination to water resources which will be part of the next proposal for the 2nd year.