Infection Risk Of Fecal Coliform Contamination In Drinking Water Sources Of Urban Slum Dwellers: Application Of Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment
Sri Yusnita Irda Sari, Deni Kurniadi Sunjaya, Ardini Saptaningsih Raksanagara
Universitas Padjadjaran, Wolrd Academy Of Sicence, Engineering And Technology Conference Proceedings, Singapore SG Mar 29-30, 2017, 19 (3) Part XXII, eISSN: 2030-3778, pISSN: 2010-376X, waset.org
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Wolrd Academy Of Sicence, Engineering And Technology Conference Proceedings, Singapore SG Mar 29-30, 2017, 19 (3) Part XXII, eISSN: 2030-3778, pISSN: 2010-376X, waset.org
drinking water, quantitative microbiological risk assessment, slum, urban
Water is one of fundamental basic needs for human life, particularly drinking water sources. Although water quality is getting better, fecal-contamination of water is still found around the world, especially in slum area of mid-low income countries. Drinking water source contamination in urban slum dwellers increases the risk of water borne diseases. Low level of sanitation and poor drinking water supply known as risk factors for diarrhea, moreover bacteriacontaminated drinking water source is the main cause of diarrhea in developing countries. This study aimed to assess risk infection due to Fecal Coliform contamination in various drinking water sources in urban area by applying Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment (QMRA). A Cross-sectional survey was conducted in period of August to October 2015. Water samples were taken by simple random sampling from households in Cikapundung river basin which was one of urban slum area in the center of Bandung city, Indonesia. About 379 water samples from 199 households and 15 common wells were tested. For drinking water sources, half of the households used refill water gallon which mainly produced in drinking water refill station. Others used raw water sources which needed treatment before consumed as drinking water such as tap water, borehole, dug well and spring water source. Annual risk to get infection due to Fecal Coliform contamination from raw water sources were dug well (1127.9 x 10-5), spring water (49.7 x 10-5),borehole (1.383 x 10-5) and tap water (1.121 x 10-5). Annual risk infection of refill drinking water was 1.577 x 10 which is comparable to borehole and tap water. Household water treatment and storage of raw water sources is essential to be improved to prevent risk of water borne diseases. Strong regulation and intense monitoring of refill water gallon quality should be prioritized by the government; moreover, distribution of tap water should be more accessible and affordable especially in urban slum area.