Emerging Innovation to Accelerate Smallholder Mangosteen Farmer Participation in to Natawidjaja et al Sustainable Globalized Market
Ronnie S. Natawidjaja, Irlan A Rum, Bayu Wijayanto
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
channel choice, globalized market, Mangosteen, small-holder farmer
Surge of international demand for mangosteen has increased active participation of farmer and new innovation to capture the opportunity. Demand for mangosteen was started to increase rapidly since 1998, especially from the international market. The production of mangosteen has been continually to grow and its export also increasing steadily. From an earlier study, it was indicated that farmer responding to strong market demand by cultivating mangosteen in a commercial orchid and innovating in seed development and cultivation technology. With lack of government policy direction to support the commodity other than main strategic food, an active role of farmer responding to global demand is very interesting. The main objective of the study is to identify factors and innovative practices affecting farmer’s decision to participate in a globalized market. The study selected randomly 350 mangosteen farmers as samples from mangosteen farmer population in North Sumatera Province, the second largest mangosteen production zones in Indonesia. The probit model with endogenous regressors is employed in the analysis. The study is expected to shed new understanding on the factors constraining small holder mangosteen producers in participating to globalized market and suggesting more supporting policy for the inclusion of small farmers.