Blind Reduction Rate, Is It Important to Evaluate?
Dr.dr. Farida Sirlan, SpM
Blind Reduction, Evaluate, Rate
Introduction: Catarad causes more than 50% of blind in Indonesia I and 82% amongst to blind at 40years up of West Java peopled The onlytreatmer,t and prevention of catarad blind surgery; so the quality of surgery is the important factor to eradicate the blindness3. TV indicator to know the effectiveness of the surgery include blind reduction rate, no. of perso who are not longer blind post operatively divided by total no.of cataract blind person operat on 4. This papershows BRRat Cicendo Eye Hospital within 5 years (2002-2006). Methods: The descriptive, retrospective and analytic study with secondary data from medic record have been collected and analyzed by SPSS- I O and X2 test. The several factors influen, the rate was also analyzed Results: Blind reduction rate within 5 years is almost 90 % as required in the WH guidelines5.. The BRR is related to the several favors like the follow up rate, the type of cataract the type of surgery. the patients’ age group, and last but not least the skill of the surgeons; it w not nelatedtothegenderand patients’ status, whethertheywere poororrich. Conclusslon: The blind reduction rate at the hospital showed the satisfied results but the fin visual outcome should be improved as targeted by WHO guideline. The improvement of to quality of the surgery is also required by the hospital as a teaching hospital as well as the referr eye hospital. Recommendation: Develop the standard monitoring evaluation of catered surgery at institutions to improve the surgery outcome. This standard should be nationallyimplemented an obligation to increase the eradication national blindness.