Social System Development In Anticipating Unpredictable Occurrence And Poverty Alleviation
Achmad Firman, SPt., MSi
poverty alleviation, social system development, Unpredictable Occurrence
In the early twenty one century, Indonesia has got so many occurrences that makes Indonesian people suffering. When Indonesia is going to recover from economic crisis by economic development and political democracy, suddenly Indonesia got unpredictable occurrence. Earthquake and tsunami occurrences destroyed part of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and North Sumatera Province. Its impact are more than 200.000 people die, settlement and all public facilities was gone. This situation made up local and foreign sympathies to help and support NAD and North Sumatera people. A lot of fund, food, clothes, information, heavy and light equipment, and so on was distributed by government, NGO’s, soldier, and Indonesian and foreign volunteers. Increasing gasoline price policy which was released by government made more complicated problem. The policy got big reaction from all components to refuse it. Increasing of basic need price cause the power purchasing parity (PPP) of Indonesian people is getting lower. This situation carried out of increasing poor people in Indonesia. The reports showed that there are malnutrition and hungry flatulent at baby under five ages in NTT Province, and Bogor District. It can prove that the increasing gasoline price policy affect to suffering of people. The problems above could not be solved only by government but all components should be involved. There are two strategies approaches to solve the problems, they are macro and micro strategies. The macro strategies are to develop the economic growth, early warning system, and social security system. The micro strategy, especially at the local level, is to strengthening social system. Social system can be described by intercommunity relationship (in or out of community) that would make good foundation to build social cohesion, economic relationship, reward and punishment in the community, and so on. Therefore, the social system can be the first instrument to prevent from unpredictable occurrence and poverty alleviation. The basic of social system are community based development.