Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Ekonomi Dan Ekologi, Sustainability Communication Dan Sustainability Reporting
Martha Fani Cahyandito, M.Sc.
Environmental communication, Social Responsibility, Stakeholder relationship, Sustainability communication, sustainability reporting, Sustainable development
Since the release of the Brundtlandt Report in 1980 which was then followed by the Summit Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the vision of sustainable development is always being promoted. Unfortunately, there is only few of us who understand exactly what sustainable development is, even in rich countries. Sustainability communication is one of the proposed concept to answer this challenge. Sustainability communication which was raised in the late of 1990, shifted the terminus of environmental communication. With this concept, it is hoped that people will know and understand more about what is happening around them: what are the problems in environmental, social and economic field which hinder the the achievement of the goal of sustainable development. At this point, sustainability communication plays a very important role. One of the communication instrument in accordance with the sustainability communication concept which is now gained its popularity is the so-called sustainability reporting. There are so many advantages the company can have by producing and publishing a sustainability report. Sustainability reporting is now believed as an instrument to boost company image and to maintain a mutual relationship with the stakeholders as the key aspect to win business competition.