Intravitreal Crystalline Cortlsone 1n Proliferative Retinal Diseases
Iwan Sovani
Cortlsone, Crystalline, Proliferative, Retinal
Purpose: to report a series of proliferative retinal diseases who received intravitreal injection of crystalline Cortisone at the end of posterior vitrectomy.Methods: a prospective review was done on interventional case series of patients who underwent pars plaza vitrectomy and silicone oil intraocular tarnponade. All patients received an intravitn al injection of 20 mg of crystalline triamcinolone acetonide at the end of surgery. Wc examine the clinical outcome and complications at follow-up. Results: Of 6 patients where the procedure was performed, 2patients were Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, I patient was Chronic retinal detachments Ipatient pith diffuse epiretinal membrane proliferation after posterior vitrectomy and 2 patients were retinal redetachment after intraocular foreign body extirpation I trauma. The retina were attached in all patients intraocular pressures mere within normal limits. Visual outcome Aces increased in 5 patients. Conclusion: Intraocular injection of crystalline trInamcinolone acetonide in patients who underwent pars plana vitrectomy and silicon oil tamponade in proliferative retinal condition in retinal diseases vitas was well tolerated.