Kebangkitan Lokal Menjawab Tantangan Globalisasi : Revitalisasi Nilai-nilai Budaya Sunda Bagi Penciptaan Local Good Governance Di Jawa Barat
Kebangkitan Lokal Menjawab Tantangan Globalisasi : Revitalisasi Nilai-nilai Budaya Sunda Bagi Penciptaan Local Good Governance Di Jawa Barat
Dede Mariana dan caroline Paskarina
globalization, glocalization, local good governance
Dede Mariana dan caroline Paskarina
globalization, glocalization, local good governance
In Indonesia, decentralization appeared to be a compromistic choice to ensure acknowledgment toward ethnics pluralism and geographical differences among regions in Indonesia. Democratization and globalization ideas brought changes in broader aspects, including in the view of existence and power of nation-state. The two concepts could implicate a cultural conflict, between new cultural values from global society and old cultural values from local society. In this case, it is interesting to analyze how far the implication could effect the implementation of local autonomy, is globalization a supporting factor for political pluralism and local culture or in the contrary, a thread for them?
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