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The Importance Oral Health For The Patient With Fixed Orthodontic Appliance – Pentingnya Kesehatan Mulut Pada Pemakai Alat Orthodontik Cekat

The Importance Oral Health For The Patient With Fixed Orthodontic Appliance – Pentingnya Kesehatan Mulut Pada Pemakai Alat Orthodontik Cekat
Winny Yohana
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Untuk meningkatkan derjat kesehatan, khususnya kesehatan gigi akhir-akhir ini
banyak penderita datangke dokter gigi untuk merawat giginya . Kesadaran tersebut
berhubunan dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan akan akan pentingnya kesehatan gigi serta
informasi bahan dan alat kedokteran gigi. Salah satu alat yang dianjurkan oleh dokter gigi
dalah merapihkan gigi adalah alat ortodontik cekat.

Penderita pemakai bracket, mereka harus menjaga kesehatan giginya dengan cara
menyikat gigi denan seksama, agar gigi bersih dan mencegah terjadi karies, gingivitis,
kalkulus, dan ulkus. Adanya kerjasama antara penderita dan dokter gigi akan menghasilkan
perawatan yang optimal.

Penderita disarankan agar selalu menjaga kebersihan mulut supaya jaringan gigi dan
gusi tetap sehat. Usahakan agar memilih makanan yang tepat, kontrol terartur ke dokter gigi
yang merawat maloklusi.

To incrase the health grade, especially the tooth health. Recently people has visited dentist to take care of their teeth. The awareness is related to their improvement of the important tooth health and the information of both material and dental equioment. Patient with malocclusion are eager to have their tooth treatment in order to becime align. For this purpose the dentist suggest to use fixed orthodontic appliance.

The patients using brackets, have to take care the dental and oral cavity, in order that their teeth are kept clean. Unless there will get caries, gingivitis, calculus and ulcer. The cooperation between patient and the dentist will be able to obtain optimal result.

It is suggested that the patients should take care of their oral healh, in order to get good both hard and soft tissue. Choose nutritious food to eat, and keep visiting the dentist to control their tooth health.

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