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Laboratory Manuals Fundamentals Of Biomedical Science I

Laboratory Manuals Fundamentals Of Biomedical Science I
Dr. med. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dr.
, ,

Living organisms are enormously complex. Higher organisms correspondingly have a greater complexity. Human beings (Homo sapiens), for example, may contain 100,000 different types of molecules, although only a minor fraction of them have been characterized. Living organisms have an underlying regularity that derives from their being constructed in a hierarchical manner. Anatomical and histological studies have shown that multicellular organisms are organizations of organs, which are made of tissues consisting of cells, composed of subcellular organelles. At this point in our hierarchical descent, we enter the biochemical realm since organelles consist of supramolecular assemblies, such as membranes or fibers, which are organized clusters of macromolecules (polymeric molecules with molecular masses from thousands of dalton on up).

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