Indonesian View Of Mutual Identity
Indonesian View Of Mutual Identity
Sutji Martiningsih Wibowo
indonesia view, indonesian culture, mutual identity, student
Sutji Martiningsih Wibowo
indonesia view, indonesian culture, mutual identity, student
This paper wants to report how are the perception of Personality Theory and Social Theory of Indonesian Culture’s Students level IIIB. Result are 1. Personality Theory: (*) at IIIB, Indonesian students aware about internal problems related to success and failure, as same as IIIB’s Germanstudents, but Indonesian have different solution. (**) There is self knowledge, developed in connection with other, and (***) there is mutuality in self control. 2. In Social Theory, there is mutuallity in Social Theory, the other as a mirror of myself, (*) there is mutual understanding in Indonesian sample. 3. There are some characteristic patterns of reasoning in relation with authoruty (parents) and with peer.
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