Human Resources Management In Public Health Center In Indonesia : A Case Study
Neti Juniarti, S.Kp., M.Kes., MNurs
health service, human resources, human resources management, Indonesia, public health
The following case study seeks to identify ways to improve human resources management in public health centre including some of challenges to management team, priority area for action and programs to attract and retain staff across the health service.
The case study consist of three distinct parts. Part one describes human resources conditions and problem in public health centre. Part two will discuss the program that might attract and retain staff across the health service. Part three identify some challenges for conducting action research project in public health centre.
It is important to distinguish that for the purpose of this case study, I have chose human resources conditions and problems in Puskesmas (public health centre) Paseh in District Sumedang, West Java Indonesia. I have recently been appointed as the Executive Director, Human Resource Management in Puskesmas Paseh that provides multi-disciplinary services including mental health services to a large geographical area including rural areas. My previous experiences in HRM have been at the middle manager level in a small community hospital. The current executive management team is conservative and traditional in outlook and behavior. The chief executive approaches you and indicates that HRM has not been managed well in the past and that you are expected to ‘fix’ this. For example: high staff turnover (both clinical and corporate); de-motivated staff; below benchmark organizational outcomes. Bench marking is done with other like organizations nationally and internationally.