Tuberculosis Health Education Program: A Critical Review
Neti Juniarti, S.Kp., M.Kes., MNurs
A Critical Review, Tuberculosis Health Education
The following essay seeks to critically review the research evidence about the best possible Tuberculosis health education program for mothers/families and nurses to increase adherence of Tuberculosis treatment among children, and to discuss the application of this evidence to practice in Indonesia.
The essay has been broken into two distinct sections. Section one is a concise critical review of existing research evidence on a topic of choice including protocol (research plan) for investigation. Section two discusses the research basis for professional knowledge in community health area.
It is important to distinguish that for the purpose of this essay, the focus of this essay is a brief critical review of the online research evidence from six most important studies (systematic review and primary research studies) that relevant with tuberculosis health education program in community health centre in Indonesia, particularly West Java.