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Potensi Dan Prospek Kelompok Sebagai Wadah Pemberdayaan Peternak Sapi Perah ( Kasus Di Kabupaten Bandung) Potencies And Prospect Of Group As Empowement Dairy Farmers Organization: Case At Bandung District

Potensi Dan Prospek Kelompok Sebagai Wadah Pemberdayaan Peternak Sapi Perah ( Kasus Di Kabupaten Bandung) Potencies And Prospect Of Group As Empowement Dairy Farmers Organization: Case At Bandung District
Unang Yunasaf

The majority of the dairy farmers at Indonesia has not reflected as truly farmers yet and it has made tendencies to be empowering less. The existence of dynamic farmers group can be expected in empowering dairy farmers. In externally for dynamic farmer group need the cooperation economic enterprise (CEE) that operation its functions and extension agent play the role of change agent. The research studies: group potentials especially in term dynamic physically and empowering group; the influence of the function of CEE and the role of extension agent on supporting development of group potentials; and strategies to build prospect to the dairy farmers in developing themselves. Sample population consists of all CEE of dairy cattle in Bandung district, while target population consists of all dairy farmers who are members of the CEE. Sample was taken by using multistage sampling. The number of sample: CEE is 4 units, group is 8 units and a farmer is 120 units. The result showed that dynamic group farmer and empowering group farmers are low. The dynamic group farmer affected as positively significant by the function of the CEE and the role of the extension agent. The empowering of group dairy farmers affected as positively significant by the dynamic group farmers. The empowering of dairy farmers is low that caused by the function of the CEE, the role of extension agent and the empowering of group dairy farmers were low. Farmers group may have prospect as organization of empowering dairy farmers that is by applying pushing strategy in order to get a dynamic farmers group.

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