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Pengaruh Konsentrasi Larutan Berbagai Senyawa Timbal (Pb) Terhadap Kerusakan Tanaman, Hasil Dan Beberapa Kriteria Kualitas Sayuran Daun Spinasia – The Effect Of Lead-compound Solutions In Different Concentrations On Degree Of Plant Damage, Yield And Some Quality Criteria Of Vegetable Spinach

Pengaruh Konsentrasi Larutan Berbagai Senyawa Timbal (Pb) Terhadap Kerusakan Tanaman, Hasil Dan Beberapa Kriteria Kualitas Sayuran Daun Spinasia – The Effect Of Lead-compound Solutions In Different Concentrations On Degree Of Plant Damage, Yield And Some Quality Criteria Of Vegetable Spinach
Tino Mutiarawati Onggo
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Timbal (Pb) yang berasal dari polusi udara/atmosfer umumnya berbentuk partikel debu yang bila sampai pada tanaman, akan tinggal di permukaan tanaman tersebut. Awan dan hujan dapat menyebabkan timbal menjadi bentuk terlarut dan dapat masuk ke dalam tanaman yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan tanaman dan mengkontaminasi bahan pangan dan pakan. Percobaan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tiga senyawa Pb yaitu Pb-acetat, Pb-chlorid dan Pb-nitrat dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 250, 500, 750 dan 1000 ppm., terhadap kerusakan tanaman dan dampaknya terhadap hasil serta beberapa kriteria kualitas sayuran daun Spinasia. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan, bahwa dari analisis Pb yang ada pada tanaman, hanya ditemukan 13% – 24% dari Pb yang diaplikasikan, sedang pencucian dapat mengurangi kadar Pb tersebut hingga tinggal 8% – 18%. Jumlah Pb yang tercuci paling banyak pada perlakuan Pb-cholid yang mempunyai kelarutan terendah. Gejala kerusakan yang tampak dari perlakuan ketiga senyawa Pb tersebut seragam, makin tinggi konsentrasi larutan, kerusakan tanaman makin besar. Pada Pb-nitrat konsentrasi 1000 ppm., kerusakan yang terjadi hanya sampai skor 3. (dari 1 – 10 skor kerusakan). Hasil tanaman pada semua perlakuan lebih rendah dibanding kontrol, kecuali pada perlakuan Pb-chlorid 250 ppm dan 500 ppm. Semua perlakuan tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah klorofil per plot dan kadar mineral K, Ca, Fe dan P dalam tanaman.

Lead in polluted air/atmosphere considerable in form of dust which could be stayed on the plant surface, but rain and cloud could change the lead into solution and could be penetrated into plant tissue, damaged the plant-organ and contaminated food and feed. This trial was aimed to study the effect of Pb-acetat, Pb-chlorid and Pbnitrat solutions in different concentrations (250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm) on plant damage symptom, plant yield and some quality criteria of Spinach. The results showed that plant analysis on total lead per plot, found only 13% – 24% of total applied Pb in the yielded plant and only 8% – 18% in washed samples. The Pbchlorid solubility is lower than the other two Pb-compounds, consequently more Pb stayed in plant surface and reduced more by washing the plant material. The symptom of plant damage due to Pb-compounds solution was uniform, the treatment Pb-acetat resulted less damage symptom followed by Pb-chlorid and Pb-nitrat. Application of higher solution concentration, the higher damage symptom on plant could be detected, but the highest solution concentration of 1000 ppm Pb-nitrat, resulted only the damage score 3 (from 1 – 10 degree score). The crop yield from treated plots were less than control, except the yield of treatments Pb-chlorid 250 ppm. and 500 ppm. All treatments in this trial have no significant effects on total chlorophyll per plot and on the content of K, Ca, Fe and P in plants.

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