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Respon Nyeri Infant Dan Anak Yang Mengalami Hospitalisasi Saat Pemasangan Infus Di Rsud Sumedang – Pain Responses of Hospitalized Infants and Children to intravenous Cannulation During Hospitalization in Sumedang Distric Hospital
Hj. Henny Suzana Mediani, Skp, Mng, Ai Mardhiyah, Skp dan Windy Rakhmawati, Skp
Children, Hospitalisasi, Nyeri Infant, Pain Responses of Hospitalized Infants
The purpose of study was to describe the experience of pain in hospitalized infants and children in response to intravenous cannulation. A descriptive comparative design was used in this study. The convenience sample was used and the sample include 60 children and they were divided 15 children for each category of children (infants, children under five years old, school ages and adolescents). To determine physiological responses t – test were performed. Meanwhile to determine the behavioural responses z wilcoxon test were used.
Result of study found that there were no other significant differeneces in physiological variables for infants. Meanwhile for children under five years old, school ages and adolescents there were significant differences in pulse and respiration. It reflects that the complexity of measuring pain with using physiological indicators. The study found that there were significant differences in behavioural responses to intravenous cannulation in infants and school ages especially in crying, verbal and torso indicators. In children under five years old there were significant differences in all of indicators of behavioural responses. Whereas for adolescence there was significance difference in behavioural response was only in facial indicator. Result of study showed that children were able to identify and indicate their pain during insertion of intravenous cannulation by using self report.