Siasah Dusturiyah Kajian Tentang Implementasi Kebijakan Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai Tahun 2008
Didin Muhafidin
Bantuan Tunai Langsung (Cash Funds), implementation, Policy
“Bantuan Tunai Langsung (BLT)” is a cash funds program has been being for three years by Indonesian government. But the Output has not clear and wide of the mark. In the 2008, the fact show that distribution of BLT give rise to five new problem. The first, there are many poor people have not take yet BLT at first step in the 2008, because Data of poor people in the 2005 is used for give BLT program in the 2008.
The second, distribution of BLT Card not yet apportioning. At the time, there are no people to change the card because many poor people still have no BLT card. The third, less coorditation between central government with branch of PT. Pos Indonesia. Amount poor people in Manado Sulawesi Utara and Kota Baru Kalimantan Selatan have not take yet BLT because PT. Pos Indonesia have not formal instruction yet from central government. The fourth, Amount of BLT funds has not increase and then BLT Program is not valued effectiveness to help poor people in solving their problem. The fifth, BLT program has potency to arise social conflict. Policy of BLT Program as not accepted by Some of them because they think that BLT program is a compesation to increase of BBM. There many poor people have not the right of BLT program, and so they claim to regional government.The problem show that BLT program is accepted to distributed by several of regional government.
The result of this research show that the problem arise beca use the implementation of policy BLT program less attention for communication between central government with regional government, resouches is used, structure of bureaucracy, and the problem may be heaven in society.