Increasing amounts of copper from mineralogical with stripping method
Iwan Hastiawan, Rispiandi and Awallu Qory Idris
Increasing amounts of copper, mineralogical, non-iron metal, stripping method
As a mineral product, copper has been widely used by human being since the early stage of civilization up to the modern time of today. Due to its characteristics and wide range of uses, copper is much used for household articles, electric machineries and equipments, non electric machineries, construction, transportation and others. Usually copper ores containing low copper amount between 0.5-0.8% Cu. Increasing amounts of copper can be done hydrometallurgy process. Stripping is another process to increased amount of copper with organic phase contracting with aqueous phase to drive the metal into the aqueous phase. From the experiment have been done, the high increasing amount of copper are with 25% of % H2SO4, volume compare are 1/8 and shaker time is 60 minute. From AAS analyzed, copper ionic results are 82.3 mg in 50 mL organic phase and increased amount of copper are 9 times. Result of % stripping is 90.0%.