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Introduction Techniques To Microwave Plasma Torches (Mpt) For The Determination Of Arsenic

Introduction Techniques To Microwave Plasma Torches (Mpt) For The Determination Of Arsenic
Iwan Hastiawan
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Arsenic is a ubiquitous trace element, and its environmental chemistry is complicated as a result of the widely different properties of generally occurring arsenic compounds. The extensive use of arsenic compounds in insecticides, herbicides, food additives and as wood preservatives has been heavily reduced, but unfortunately the emission of arsenic from metal melting, glass manufacturing, sulphuric acid production, waste incineration and fossil fuel driven power stations is still considerable. Many arsenic compounds are known to be toxic, and, accordingly, the exposure of man and animals to arsenic remains of international concern. Arsenic contamination of drinking water supplies is a world problem, for arsenic it is generally accepted that arsenic (V) species are less toxic than arsenic (III) species. In view of this difference between the oxidation states, and in order to follow the pathways of the conversion of arsenic compounds within the compartments of the environment, it is increasingly important to determine the concentration of the individual chemical species as well as the total concentration of arsenic in the environment. There the concentration of arsenic in waters may range from ng/ml to ìg/ml levels. The health-based standard, or primary maximum contamination level (MCL), for arsenic in drinking water as recently set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and by the World Health Organization (WHO) is as low as 0.01 ìg/ml. accordingly, the development of reliable methods for the determination of arsenic in a simple and reproducible way is always challenging.

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