Babi4ti4o15: Synthesis And Characterization
Teguh Priyambodo, Iwan Hastiawan, and Atiek Rostika Noviyanti
aurivillius, BBT, orthorhombic, polycrystalline, solid state reaction
Aurivillius oxide BaBi4Ti4O15 (BBT) has been used in the applied nanomaterials technology. The ferroelectric materials properties expected to alternative solutions for computer memories, makes ferroelectric nonvolatile memories very attractive. The aim of this research is to determine structure and surface morphology of BaBi4Ti4O15 synthesis. The solid state reaction method is used in this research. In the solid state reaction the temperature of 800 to 1100 oC is applied for 24 hours. X-ray diffraction powder and SEM-EDAX ((Scanning Electron Microscope- Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-rays) are also used to determine the crystal structure. The results are in excellent agreement with the data that reported in PDF (Powder Diffraction File) Number 84-1750 (orthorhombic). The surface analysis of BaBi4Ti4O15 showed that the crystals are polycrystalline with the size of 219.967 Å. Qualitative analyses using EDAX showed that Ba:Bi ratio in the crystal is 1:4.