Preferences Of Fruit Fly Bactocera Dorsalis Complex (Diptera : Tephritidae) On Five Mango Varieties
Agus Susanto
attractiveness, Fruit Fly, mango, preferences
Fruit fly is one of key pest attack horticulture products cause damage on fruits that can reducing harvest until 100%. The objective of this research was to study the preference of fruit fly (B. dorsalis Complex) on 5 mangoes varieties (Gedong, Arumanis, Cengkir, Bapang, and TO) in the outdoor screen cage (2m x 2m x 2m). Observation was done on the attractiveness of fruit fly oviposition sites compare with the different character of each mango varieties. The research started from December 2007 to March 2008. The experiment was arranged in Random Group Design was carried out with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The result showed that the preferences of fruit fly B. dorsalis Complex was different on 5 mangoes varieties. The highest respons of fruit fly attracted to Gedong, followed by Bapang, Cengkir and Arumanis, however the TO not attracted. This results seems there was a correlation between the attractiveness and fruits character such as colors, odor, sugar contents and the thickness of skin.