Antagonism of Bacterial Isolates from Local Microorganisms against Rhizoctonia solani and Their Effect on the Growth of Rice Seedlings
antagonistic bacteria, Local Microorganisms, PGPR, Rhizoctonia solani
Local Microorganisms (MOL) are obtained from the liquid as a result of the fermentation of some organic material mixed in rice washing water or coconut water. Rice farmers usually use MOL in the cultivation of padi SRI (System of Rice Intensification).
The research was objected to obtain bacterial isolates from 6 different MOLs [the material in the mixture were daun cebreng (leaf of Gliricidia sepium), pucuk waluh (young leaves of Sechium edule), buah maja (fruit of Aegle marmelos), rebung (young bamboo shoots), bonggol pisang (banana hump), pisang (banana)], which are antagonistic to Rhizoctonia solani in vitro, and able to stimulate the growth of rice seedlings. The antagonism was tested by dual culture method on PDA. The experiment was arranged in the completely randomized design with 19 treatments (19 bacterial isolates) and a control. The experiment to study the stimulation effect of the isolates on the rice seedlings was carried out in the glasshouse. The isolates were applied by soaking the rice seeds in the bacterial suspensions for 24 hours.
From the 19 bacterial isolates obtained from the 6 MOLs, there were 6 isolates antagonistic to Rhizoctonia solani; 1 from maja, 1 from bonggol pisang, 3 from daun cebreng, and 1 from pucuk waluh. The isolates: MR1, MM4, MPW1, MM1, and MM3 were able to increase the number of germinated seeds which were 81%, 81%, 78%, 85%, and 98% respectedly, compared to control which was only 70%, and increase the growth of the seedlings.