Kemampuan beberapa senyawa kimia dalam menginduksi ketahanan cabai merah terhadap Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) – Abbility of Chemical Coumpounds in Induced Systemic Resistant of Chilli on Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV)
and Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, Asam salisilat, benzothiadiazole Kaliumdihidrogenfosfat, benzothiadiazole potassiumdihydrogenphosphste, CMV, dan Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, Dikaliumhidrogenfosfat, dipotassiumhydrogenphosphtse, Induce Systemic resistance, Ketahanan Sistemik Terinduksi
Beberapa senyawa kimia sederhana yang diketahui mempunyai kemampuan sebagai agen penginduksi ketahanan tanaman terhadap penyakit adalah asam salisilat, benzothiadiazole, kaliumdihodrogenfosfat, ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid dan dikaliumhidrogenfosfat. Senyawa-senyawa ini di uji kemampuannya dalam menginduksi ketahanan cabai merah terhadap Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV).
Aplikasi senyawa kimia dilakukan pada saat tanaman cabai merah mempunyai 4 daun sejati (± 4 minggu) pada daun 1 dan 2. Inokulasi CMV dilakukan satu hari setelah aplikasi senyawa kimia yaitu pada dua daun di atas daun yang diberi perlakuan.
Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa senyawa Dikaliumhidrogenfosfat konsentrasi 0,87% mampu menginduksi ketahanan cabai merah terhadap serangan CMV dengan masa inkubasi 9 Hari Setelah Inokulasi dan persentase penghambatan 33,43% dibandingkan dengan kontrol.
Several chemical coumpounds knows such as salicylic acid, benzothiadiazole, kaliumdihodrogenfosfat, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and dikaliumhidrogenfosfat are know to have ablity as plant Systemic resistance inducer. These chemical coumpounds were tested as inducer of Systemic induced resistance againts Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) on chilli.
The chemical coumpounds were applied when the chilli plant had four true leaves on the two first leaves above the cotyledon. The suspension CMV inoculated on the two second leaves above the leaves treated with chemical coumpound 24 hours after the application.
The result of experiment was the Dikaliumhidrogenfosfat of 0.87% had potential in inducing the resistance of chilli to CMV experiment that posponed the symptoms apperance 9 days after inoculation compared with 7 days at control treatment and gave 33.34% suppression at the disease.