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The Ability Of Leaf Crude Extract From Several Plants In Increasing Systemic Induced Resistance (Sir) Of Tomato Plant To Against Early Blight Disease (Alternaria Solani Sor.)

The Ability Of Leaf Crude Extract From Several Plants In Increasing Systemic Induced Resistance (Sir) Of Tomato Plant To Against Early Blight Disease (Alternaria Solani Sor.)
Hersanti and Siska Dewi Lestari
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Percobaan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan air perasan daun tumbuhan yang mampu menginduksi ketahanan sistemik tanaman tomat terhadap penyakit bercak coklat (Alternaria solani) telah dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Jurusan hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.

Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang terdiri dari delapan perlakuan yaitu enam jenis tumbuhan (Amaranthus spinosus, Clerodendrum paniculatum, Mirabilis jalapa, Orthosiphon aristatus, Euphorbia hirta, Leucaena glauca), benzothiadiazole, kontrol. Setiap perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Akar semai tomat berumur ± satu bulan direndam dalam larutan perlakuan yang diuji selama 24 jam. Spora A. solani diinokulasi pada tanaman dua hari setelah perendaman dengan kerapatan spora 105 spora/ ml.

Dari hasil percobaan didapatkan bahwa air perasan daun tumbuhan yang diuji mempunyai kemampuan dalam menginduksi ketahanan penyakit bercak lambat (A. solani) pada tanaman tomat. Air perasan daun O. aristatus merupakan bahan penginduksi terbaik dengan persentase penghambatan 71,23%.

An experiment to obtain leaf extract from plants which have ability to increase the systemic induced resistance of tomato plant against early blight (Alternaria solani Sor.) was carried out in the glasshouse of Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.

The experiment has arranged in the Randomized Block Design with eight treatments and four replications. The treatments were leaf crude extracts from six species, Amaranthus spinosus, Clerodendrum paniculatum, Mirabilis jalapa, Orthosiphon aristatus, Euphorbia hirta, Leucaena glauca, benzothiadiazole and control (aquades). The root of 1-month tomato plants were soaked in the leaf crude extract for 24 hours. The plants had inoculated with A. solani spores for two days after treatments with spore density 105 spores/ ml.

The result of experiment showed that, the leaf crude extract of C. paniculatum, . jalapa, O. aristatus, E. hirta, A. spinosus, O. aristatus and L. glauca had ability as systemic induce resistance agents on tomato plants against early blight disease (A. solani). A leaf crude extract of O. aristatus had better capability as an inducer agent than the other species of with inhibition percentage 71,23 % compare to the control.

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