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Hubungan Karakteristik Biografi Remaja Dengan Tingkat Nyeri Pada Dismenorea

Hubungan Karakteristik Biografi Remaja Dengan Tingkat Nyeri Pada Dismenorea
Irman Somantri, S.Kp. M.Kep.
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This study was a descriptive correlation design. The Idea of this study is because there’s a pain in young teenage girl’s dismenorea, and caused a very variative illness. For knowing the pain intensity. The data study collected from the questioner technique with a VAS (Visual Analog scale). The purpose of this study is for knowing the relationship between the characteristic of young teenage girl, such as age, class and the history of their pass about this illness. This study take place in Sukaresmi I high school in Cianjur. The population of this study is about 473 people with 3 class classification (X, XI, and XII). The proporsional allocation for the sample is 83 responden. The analysis result showed that the pain level that usually happened on young teenage is on the light level of illness. The analysis result also indicated that there is no relation in age and class with the pain level on dismenorea. But the result showed there is a relation between the history from the pass with the pain level on dismenorea (p=0,000). The suggestion that can be given from this research is there is need an sex education for this young teenage in high school, which discus about the reproduction system especially for teenage girl. Beside that, the teenage student can also cooperate with the health care unit in their high school. So, the effort can be effective for introducting. The reproduction system on teenage girl who having a productive age on their age.

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