Hubungan Antara Pelaksanaan Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan Dengan Pilihan Karir Berwirausaha Pada Mahasiswa Dengan Mempertimbangkan Gender Dan Latar Belakang Pekerjaan Orang Tua
Mery Citra Sondari
educated-unemployment, entrepreneurial career, entrepreneurship, gender
Being an entrepreneur is often viewed as an aversive career choice where one is faced with everyday life and work situations that are fraught with increased uncertainty, impediments, failures, and frustrations associated with the process of new firm creation. That’s why many college graduates tend to choose nonentrepreneurial careers which are have limited demand for graduates. The situation leads to the increasing of educated-unemployment rate. In the other side, business education now have ambition to answer the challenge to create more entrepreneurs, because in Indonesia, entrepreneurs are proven succed pass trough the crisis that hits this country. Thus, the understanding about factors that can motivate student to choose entrepreneurial career is more become important.
This paper is examined the correlation between entrepreneurship course implementation and entrepreneurial career choice of student in Faculty of Economics University of Padjadjaran using descriptive and verificative analysis of 40 samples of questionnaire.
The result shows that there are no significant correlation between between entrepreneurship course implementation and entrepreneurial career choice, but turns out the research shows quite strong correlation between gender and entrepreneurial career choice.