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Dental And Oral Management In Beta Major Thalassemia In Children

Dental And Oral Management In Beta Major Thalassemia In Children
Eriska Riyanti
, ,

Thalassemia beta major is a hereditary hemolytic anemia disease with various grades aof severity, which can be found with no or less globin chain qualitative synthesis. The patient often experiences hepatosplenomegaly, growth retardation and bone disorder and the thalassemia facies/chipmunk face protrusive premaxillae due to erythroid hyperplasia with depressed bridge of the nose. The dentition shows protrusion, flaring and spacing of the maxillary anterior teeth, open bite that leads to malocclusion. The anemic condition makes the patient is difficult to do all oral hygiene instruction thus caries index will increase. Dental practitioners especially pediatric dentists are required to have awareness towards the nature of the disease and its implication on dental care. Coollaboration with hematologist has to be made in every dental treatment.

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