The Best Method Of Baby’s Feeding In Effort Of Caries Prevention
Eriska Riyanti
bottle milk, bottle milk drinking, caries
Children high caries frequency in developing countries was a common problem. Nursing mouth caries was a condition that figured caries in children mouth associated with the habit of drinking milk using a bottle which contained fermentable carbohydrate or sweetened liquid such as milk and fruit juice along the day and as they sleep day or night. The lesions mostly localized on upper incisors labial, and/or upper molars palatal but rarely on the lower incisors. Avoid bottle usage while the child sleep, day or night, stop baby feeding too long in the night, do not let the child suckle all night and release them from the hilt immediately after finished, stop bottle usage after the child is 1 year old, they would be better to drink milk from a glass. The process of substituting mother’s milk to formulated milk has to be done slowly. Preparations to be a mother should be done thoroughly not only to achieve a healthy baby but also preparations to prevent caries, therefore they should always be informed about the proper way of baby feeding by the health centers and dentists.