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The Influence Of Equity Finsancing Funding Rate And Rate On Profitability Of Islamic Bank

The Influence Of Equity Finsancing Funding Rate And Rate On Profitability Of Islamic Bank
Winwin Yadiati
, ,

The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of customer and short term funding total assets and equity financing rate on profitability of Islamic Bank simultaneously and partially. Sample of this research are Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Bank Syariah Mandiri for the year 1999-2005. This research are descriptive method with associative approach. Statistical method is used at significant level using multiple regression analysis. The result of these hypothesis shows that firs, hypothesis that states there are influence of customer and short term funding over total assets and equity financing rate to profitability of financing rate has no significant influence to profitability of Islamic Bank simultaneously. Second, hypothesis that states there are influence of customer and short term funding over total assets has significant influence to profitability of Islamic Bank partially. Third, hypothesis that states there are influence equity financing rate to profitability of Islamic Bank is rejected. It means that equity financing rate does not have significant influence to profitability of Islamic Bank partially.

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