The Comparison of Classical Music, Relaxation Music and The Qur’anic Recital: an AEP Study
A. Abdurrochman, R.D. Wulandari and N. Fatimah
Auditory Evoked Potential, d-wave and sleep-disorder therapy, The Qur’anic Recital
Some Moslems believe that their holly book (The Qur’an) had special features besides just the divine revelation of God. They recite (reading or listening to) certain chapters or verses for some certain occasions, i.e. when some ones is dying, exorcism, healing the sickness or illness, etc. They also said that they feel composed after The Qur’anic recitals. Meanwhile, classical music and relaxation music are the common auditory stimulus. The relaxation music is the instrumental music mixed with natural sounds. So, we studied the effects of these auditory (classical music, relaxation music and the Qur’anic recital) in the electroencephalography record and compared to each other. It is an auditory evoked potential (AEP) study. We recorded the AEP of 5 subjects of volunteer while they are listening to classical music, relaxation music and the Qur’anic recital that we were prepared. The AEP records of classical music and relaxation music are same as any others study. They are dominated with a-wave. But, the AEP record on the Qur’anic recital was dominated with d-wave. Worrying of this sleep response, we took another 5 subjects of volunteer to record theirs AEP response under the others Qur’anic recital. Again, they’re dominated with d-wave, tough all subjects did not fall asleep. So, we concluded that the Qur’anic recital has different feature from the others two: it could be used for sleep-disorder therapy.