Islam and the Media: Tracing the Debate
Islam and the Media: Tracing the Debate
Nunik Maharani Hartoyo, S.Sos., M.Comn&MediaSt.(Mon)
debate, inter-cultural dialogue, islam and the media
Nunik Maharani Hartoyo, S.Sos., M.Comn&MediaSt.(Mon)
debate, inter-cultural dialogue, islam and the media
In the world that we lived in today, the discussion about Islam and the West and the nature of its relationship is always difficult and complex. However, it is worth noting that after 9/11 the inter-cultural dialogue and understanding between Islam and the West has become increasingly important. The publication of Fitna in 2008 and the controversy that followed it is reminiscent of several other events discussed in this paper. They will provide a historical background to understand the nature of relationship between Islam and the West in the last twenty years. These events include the Danish Cartoon controversy in 2005/2006, the Van Gogh assassination in 2002, and the Rushdie Affair that took place two decades ago.
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