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Occurrence Of Seed-Borne Diseases And Jatinangor Endemic Diseases On Several Accessions Of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Of Eastern Indonesian Regions

Occurrence Of Seed-Borne Diseases And Jatinangor Endemic Diseases On Several Accessions Of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Of Eastern Indonesian Regions
Endah Yulia

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) is an annual legume originated in Africa and most of the crop is grown there during the shorter rainy season (August to October) (1). This legume is an ideal crop for semiarid regions of tropics where other food legumes may not perform well. In Indonesia, cowpea is grown especially in dry regions with low annually rainfall such as East Timor Province in eastern Indonesia, as food crops. Cowpea provides nutritious grain that contains about 25-28% protein which is rich in the amino acids, lysine and tryptophan compared to cereal grains, and may provide a major source of protein, minerals, and vitamins in the diet of resource-poor communities because of limited access to animal protein sources (2). However, cowpea is susceptible to a wide range of pests and pathogens that attack the crop at all stages of growth. Some 40 species of fungi are cowpea pathogens. Losses due to disease can be as high as 90% (3). Widely exploration and cultivation of cowpea in several regions in Indonesia can be benefited for food security, besides cowpea contribution to the sustainability cropping systems and soil fertility improvements. Eastern region of Indonesia is known to have various types of cowpea of local origin. These genetic resources can be explored, both for their potential and other characteristics including their ability to perform in new areas away from their region of origin. To facilitate the development of cowpea cultivation in several regions in Indonesia, plant diseases on cowpea that grown in different regions were investigated to know either the potential of disease occurrence or prevent disease dissemination.

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