Gambaran Foto Toraks Tuberkulosis Paru Genotipe Beijing dan Non-Beijing – Thoracic Photo Profile of Lung Tuberculosis Beijing and Non Beijing Genotypes
Ristaniah D. Soetikno, Ida Parwati
Beijing genotype, foto toraks, genotipe Beijing, genotipe non-Beijing, lung tuberculosis, non Beijing genotype, thoracic photo, tuberkulosis paru
Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotipe Beijing mempunyai virulensi lebih tinggi, tersebar global, dan lebih resisten dibanding non-Beijing. Penelitian analitik observasional dengan rancangan potong silang untuk mengetahui gambaran foto toraks pada kedua genotipe dilakukan periode September 2003.Desember 2005 di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Pembacaan foto toraks oleh dua ahli radiologi. Subjek terdiri dari 206 laki-laki dan 196 perempuan, 131 genotipe Beijing dan 271 non-Beijing. Usia rata-rata 31 tahun. Hasil pembacaan oleh pengamat I pada genotipe Beijing menunjukkan gambaran ringan 60 (45,8%) dan berat 71 (54,2%); genotipe non-Beijing gambaran ringan 205 (75,6%) dan berat 66 (24,4%). Pengamat II untuk genotipe Beijing 62 (47,3%) dan 69 (52,7%);genotipe non-Beijing 208 (76,8%) dan 63 (23,2%). Diperoleh perbedaan bermakna antara genotipe Beijing dan non-Beijing (p<0,05). Kavitasi genotipe Beijing 69 (52,7%) baik pengamat I maupun II, sedangkan non-Beijing berturut-turut 61 (22,5%) dan 60 (22,1%), dengan p<0,05. Kavitas .4 cm pada genotipe Beijing 42 (60,0%) oleh pengamat I dan 40 (58,0%) oleh pengamat II, tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna kavitas <4 dengan .4 cm (p>0,05). Kesesuaian foto toraks pengamat I dengan II untuk gambaran ringan 265 dari 270 dan berat 132 dari 137 (. >0,80). Disimpulkan gambaran foto toraks genotipe Beijing lebih berat dan lebih banyak kavitasi.
Beijing genotype Mycobacterium tuberculosis has higher virulence, spread globally, and more resistant compare with non Beijing. Observational analytic study with cross sectional design to determine the thoracic photos profile of the two genotypes, was done September 2003.December 2005 at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung. Thoracic photos were analyzed by two radiologists. Subjects consisted of 206 men and 196 women comprising of 131 Beijing and 271 non Beijing. The mean age was 31 years. Thoracic photo description by observer I on Beijing showed 60 (45.8%) mild and 71 (54.2%) severe; non Beijing 205 (75.6%) mild and 66 (24.4%) severe. Observer II were 62 (47.3 %) mild and 69 (52.7%) severe of Beijing; 208 (76.8%) and 63 (23.2%) non Beijing, respectively. There was significant difference between Beijing and non Beijing (p <0.05). Cavitation of Beijing by both observer was 69 (52.7%), whereas non Beijing were 61 (22.5%) and 60 (22.1%), respectively (p<0.05). Cavitation of Beijing .4 cm was 42 (60.0%) by observer I and 40 (58.0%) by observer II, there was no significant difference between <4 and .4 cm (p >0.05). Similarity description from two radiologist was 265 of 270 in mild, and 132 of 137 in severe (. >0.80). In conclusion, thoracic photos of Beijing genotype is significantly more severe with more cavitation.