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Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Secara Terpadu Untuk Memperkuat Perekonomian Lokal

Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Secara Terpadu Untuk Memperkuat Perekonomian Lokal
Muhammad Amir Solihin, Rija Sudirja3
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Spirit of autonomy at local authority have been opportunity to brings natural resources as basic capital of sustainability local development. At formerly, development at the expense of environmental. There fore, need to know how local authority could be manage and make use of natural resources tactfully. Be related to that cases, this study discuss integrated natural resources management that support local economic based on literatur study. Study result shown natural resources development obstacles as follow: centraled natural resources management, limited reources availability, environmental degradation and pollution, clossed off social dan culture condition, and limited local economic condition to make use of natural resources optimal. Rostow Theory expressed that economic growth drive to maturity requiring leading sector. Leading sector in Regencies of West Jawa generally at agriculture, mining and entrenchment, that couldn’t neglected. In any case, optimalization primer sector and exceed obstacle need integrated natural resources management. As follow : internalization impact, implementation basic principle of natural resources management tactfully, overall and coordinated natural reources inventory, participation of stakeholders natural reources in management. In a sense, five approach: politcal, organizational, administration, profession, and scientific to apply Integrated Natural Resources Management brings into sustainable development.

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