Respons Beberapa Sifat Kimia Fluventic Eutrudepts Melalui Pendayagunaan Limbah Kakao Dan Berbagai Jenis Pupuk Organik
Rija Sudirja, M. Amir Solihin, Santi Rosniawaty
Chemical Characteristic, Fluventic Eutrudepts, Kakao Waste, Organic manure
An experiment to evaluate the respons of media mixture of soil and organic manure of growth the seed of Theobroma cacao L and some characterstics of Fluventic eutrudepts. It was conducted from July to October 2006 at experimental Garden of Agricultural Faculty of Padjadjaran University in Jatinangor with elevation 746 meter above sea level. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design witrh three replications. The treatments consisted of 10 treatments, three treatment of cacao rind compost, three treatments of cast, three treatments of poultry manure, with different of comparison and one treatment of control. Media mixture of soil and organic manure can increase pH and C-organic Fluventic Eutrudepts. Treatment 1 part of soil : 1 part of cast is the best treatment which is can increase of pH and C-organic.