Perubahan Bentuk Penggunaan Lahan Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Koefisien Air Larian Das Citarum Hulu Jawa-barat
Edi Tri Haryanto, Totok Herwanto dan Dwi Rustam Kendarto
and increase, changes, land use, runoff
Land use changes in the Upper Citarum Watershed increasing runoff coefficient has been analysed using “geographical information system (GIS)” method. Series of land use maps of 1983, 1993, and 2002 generated from landsat TM imageries were used as basic data analyses. These data are from BPLHD,West-Java Province. The result indicates that area of some land use types ( forest, rice field, grass/scrub) which have an importance role in controlling the rate of overland flow and runoff coefficient have been decreasing . While other land use types (mainly urban, public services, bare land ) witch tend to increase runoff coefficient have been increasing. The conclusion based on the condition of runoff coefficient, Upper Citarum Watershed is very close with critical boundary (0.20). Among the main subcatchments in the Upper Citarum Catchments, Cikapundung was the fastest degradated sub watershed in term of runoff coefficient rate caused by land use change (0.18 in 1983, 0.37 in 2002, and 0.52 in the future of 2010) . Citarik and Cikeruh come second and third. While Cirasea, Cisangkuy and Ciwideuy are still in normal conditions(<0.20).