Antifeedant Terpenoid from The Bark of Lansium domesticum Corr cv. Kokossan (Meliaceae)1)
Tri Mayanti, Wahyu Drajat Natawigena, Unang Supratman, and Roekmi-ati Tjokronegoro
antifeedant activity, Epilachna sparsa, Lansium domesticum, Meliaceae, triterpenoids
In the course of our continuing search of novel antifeedant compounds from Indonesian plants, the methanolic extract of bark of Lansium domesticum showed significant antifeedant activity against the fourth instars of Epilachna sparsa. The methanolic extract of the bark of L. domesticum was concentrated and extracted with ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate extract exhibited an antifeedant activity toward E. sparsa. By using the antifeedant activity to follow the separations, the ethyl acetate fraction was separated by combination of column chromatography on Kieselgel 60 to afford two antifeedant compounds 1 and 2.
Based on spectroscopic evidences and comparison with those related data previously reported indicated that isolated compound as triterpenoids with molecular skeleton similar with those onoceranoid. An antifeedant activity of compounds 1 and 2 showed activity as 99% and 85% against the fourth instars of E. sparsa at concentration of 1%.