Pertumbuhan Kota Tasikmalaya (1820-1942); Dari Kota Distrik Menjadi Kota Kabupaten
Miftahul Falah
Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, wilayah pemerintahan tasikmalaya
The government of Tasikmalaya city has just established in 2002 as blossomimg out from Tasikmalaya Regency. It is along with was born some problems about the history which is needed to be reconsidered. First, is it a name for Tasikmalaya related with the eruption of Galunggung in 1822? Second, is the history of Tasikmalaya City is identic with the history of Sukapura? and Third, is the Tasikmalaya city a changing of name from Tawang District?
To get the answers about that problems, it is done the historical research which is used the historical method. This method consist of four stages: heuristic, critic, interpretation, and historiography. After processing to collect the sources which is done (heuristic), is con-tinued with a critic that sources, it has a purpose to get the authentic and credible sources. The fact of history which is got from that sources are given interpretation (either analysis or sintesis ), so it is got the description of the logic and chronologis old era. To produce the dec-sriptive-analytical historiography, the theory of social change and the concept of city.
The result of research shows the name of Tasikmalaya is seemingly not related with the eruption of Galunggung in 1822 because the name of Tasikmalaya has been used at least 1820. The history of Tasikmalaya is not identic with Sukapura history because Tasikmalaya City has just become a part of this regency since 1901. Before that year, Tasikmalaya City is a part of the Parakanmuncang and Sumedang Regency. Tasikmalaya city is a changing of name from Cicariang District which has named Distrikt Tassikmalaija op Tjitjariang in 1820. In 1830s the name of that district became the district Cicariang. The changing of so-cial in politic field can be seen from a changing of statue of Tasikmalaya becomes of the city : district, afdeeling, regency and it has ever been residency.