Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Usaha Sapi Potong – The Community Empowerment Model Through Beef Cattle Farming Development
Sugeng Winaryanto, Unang Yunasaf dan Syahirul Alim
beef farming development, The Community empowerment model
The objective of research was to study: (1) local resource potencies in supporting beef cattle farming at south area Tasikmalaya district, (2) The model of community empowerment through beef cattle farming development, (3) farm management feasibility based on local resources. Observation unit was the beef cattle management on the members of “Sugih Mukti” farmers group. Analysis approach was technical feasibility and business aspects. The study showed that: (1) the beef cattle farming development i.e. PPK-IPM program could be an alternative in community empowerment, (2) the community empowerment model through beef cattle farming development is a model which integrated development resource of the farmers and supply input and the organization was strong, (3) for feasible beef farm business at family farming scale at least should rear two head of local beef cattle.