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Representasi Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Pemberitaan Kasus Ambalat Antara Indonesia Dan Malaysia: Sebuah Kajian Analisis Wacana Kritis

Representasi Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Pemberitaan Kasus Ambalat Antara Indonesia Dan Malaysia: Sebuah Kajian Analisis Wacana Kritis
Rosaria Mita Amalia, S.S., S.Ip., M.Hum.

The title of this paper is “The Indonesian Government Representation on Ambalat case between Indonesia and Malaysia: A Critical Discourse Analysis Study ”.

News on Ambalat block has been headlines of mass media in both countries. As an informative instrument, mass media is an arena for political, cultural and individual struggle. Mass media representation can be analyzed by using Critical Discourse Analysis, or CDA. CDA is used to analyze how the ‘power’ is presented through the discourse. It decomposes the techniques of the language usage in relation to social and politics when the process of the production of language occurred. This research paper employs Teun A van Dijk model that explains stages in discourse analysis. Van Dijk’s three levels of social order, that is macro-level analysis, and micro-level analysis, CDA is used to bridge between the two levels of social order by using meso-level analysis.

Macro-level analysis includes social and political contexts. Van Dijk divides micro-level analysis into three parts, macro structure, superstructure and micro structure. Macro structure includes global meanings, which is a theme or a topic, superstructure includes text frame, and micro structure being a local coherence, a choice of words, sentence and language style.

This paper provides a comprehensive understanding of Indonesian representation on Ambalat case between Indonesia and Malaysia as it is reflected on news by “Kompas online”.

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