Social Interaction Among Pre Adolescents & Adolescents With Visual Impairment
Esti Wungu
Adolescents, Preadolescents, Social interaction, visual impairment
Social interaction has important role in children who entered middle childhood and adolescents’ age, as they spent time mostly with their peers. But, it would be a challenging time for the preadolescents and adolescents with visual impairments; since they had limitation to interact with others. The purpose of this literature review is to find out about social interaction condition in preadolescents and adolescents with visual impairment and how to enhance their social skills. This study used fifteen articles about social interaction in preadolescents and adolescents with visual impairment. Findings indicated that majority of preadolescents and adolescent with visual impairment had a limited social interaction, although they had similar self concept and self esteem with their sighted peers. Preadolescents and adolescents with visual impairment mostly spent their leisure time in home and had a passive activity. Teacher, parents and peers can promote social interaction in visual impairments through create a supportive environment for them.