Dots Strategy In The Context Of Indonesian Health System
Dots Strategy In The Context Of Indonesian Health System
Cut Novianty Rachmi, MD, MIPH
dots strategy, Health System, indonesia health system
Cut Novianty Rachmi, MD, MIPH
dots strategy, Health System, indonesia health system
The need for better health systems has always been on the top priorities list for every unsolved problem in health and health care. It is a common knowledge that without a well functioning health system, the possibility of achieving better health outcomes will never be accomplished (Dussault & Franceschini, 2006; WHO, 2007). There are several features that distinguish well functioning health system and those who do not. These are the ability to deliver services to those who needed them, with an adequate support of health workers doing so in a stable and on going program with a secure budget (WHO, 2007).
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