Diagnosis Dan Penatalaksanaan Glaukoma Sudut Tertutup Sekunder Od + Astigmat Hipermetropia Kompositus Od + Sudut Tertutup Sekunder Os + Hipermetropia Simplek Os E.C Nanophthalmos
Rova Virgana
Nanophthalmos, Pasein
Objective: To report a case of a 32 year old female who was diagnosed as secondary angle closure glaucoma and astigmat hipermetropia compositus of the right eye, secondary angle closure and hipermetropia simplex of the left eye, caused by nanophthalmos.
Case report: A 32 year old female came to Cicendo Eye Hospital with the chief complain of disturbance of seeing something that block vision around the eye that last over six months. Ophthalmological examination revealed: RE basic visual acquity of 0.05 with BCVA 0,7 (S+8.0 C-1.25 x 70’). IOP of 40 mmHg (Goldmann applanation), COA shallow Van Herick grade I, pupil round diameter of 4 mm, RAPD +, funduscopy reavealed oval papil, cup/disc ratio of 1,0. Gonioscopic finding: Schwabe line seen in four quadrant, revealed PAS in all quadrants with indentation. LE basic visual acquity of 0,1 with BCVA 0,7 (S +8,0. IOP of 20 mmHg), COA shallow VH grade I, pupil round diameter of 3 mm, funduscopy revealed within normal limit. Gonioscopic finding: Schwabe line seen in four quadrant, revealed PAS in all quadrants with indentation. USG ODS examination showed axial length of 17,4 for both eyes and choroidal thickening. The working diagnosis was SACG OD + AHC OD + SAC OS + HS OS e.c nanophthalmos ODS. The management of the patient was timolol 0,5% ed two times daily, dorzolamide 2% ed three times daily and laser peripheral iridoplasty was done for both eye.
Conclusion: The management of nanophthalmos requires a careful steps of examination in order to find the working diagnosis, the manifested clinical picture and the appropriate therapy.